reset set grid set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" set format x "%Y-%m-%d\n%H:%M:%S" set datafile separator "," set autoscale xy set xlabel "Date and Time (UTC)" font "Arial,10" textcolor "#0000FF" set ylabel ".\nSignal (Milli_Gauss X axis 1 Milli_Gauss = 100 Nano_Tesla)" font "Arial,10" textcolor "#0000FF" while(1) { #-----Visualizza il TITOLO----- titolo="MAGNETOGRAM Sensor No. 0 - Station in xxxx (XX, ITALY)" set title titolo font "Arial,16" textcolor rgbcolor "#D50000" #----Plot on PNG FILE 1 (COMPLETE)---- ContaNumeroPunti=0 set terminal jpeg font arial 10 size 1024,768 set output "Station_xxxxx_Magnetogram_0.jpg" plot "air-voltage.log" using 1:(ContaNumeroPunti=ContaNumeroPunti+1,$2) with lines notitle linetype rgbcolor "#001080" unset output unset terminal #----Plot on the SCREEN--- plot "air-voltage.log" using 1:2 with lines notitle linetype rgbcolor "#0000FF" pause 100 }